Muslim-friendly KOMATSU / Komatsu Homepage

Muslim-friendly KOMATSU / Komatsu Homepage

Muslim-friendly KOMATSU / Komatsu Homepage Muslim-friendly KOMATSU 00 year Tokyo Olympics and of the, against the background of the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage certification, etc. of the [Japanese], Tourism Agency has raised the target number of foreign visitors tourists, 000 million people, we are inbound accept maintenance. Also, such as the acceptance of foreign trainees and students of the enterprise, the need for a variety of religious and food culture has increased the opportunity to be required in Komatsu. Therefore, in order to achieve the inbound with to promote the diversity of food, we are working to disclose an easy-to-understand service to the Muslims [Muslim-friendly KOMATSU]. The Muslim-friendly, regardless of the acquisition of Halal certification, is the effort to a consideration corresponding to the extent that can be for the better of Muslims. In other words, to disclose an easy-to-understand to be able to cope with the shop for the people of Muslims, Muslims will be happy to help in the shop to choose.